Wellness Plan With Labs Previously Drawn By Physician

Wellness Plan With Labs Previously Drawn By Physician


Have you recently had blood work done by your physician only to get “normal” results while still experiencing signs symptoms of hormonal imbalances and metabolic issues?

As we know, normal isn’t optimal. Functional labs are a key in discovering the door that is locked in your health. I believe both your labs and signs and symptoms can give us the map in discovering the root cause of your hormone imbalance. Thyroid disorders are often at the root of menstrual cycle irregularities because the menstrual cycle is extremely sensitive to subtle fluctuations in the thyroid function.

As a certified women’s health coach, foods scientist, and DONA trained doula, I am excited to announce that I will now be ordering labs for my clients or reading their labs drawn by their local provider. I am in no way diagnosing labs, as this is done by a physician, however, I am certified to catch red flags physicians often overlook when your labs are within normal limits and give you a wellness plan to follow.

What’s the breakdown of this process?

  • Your medical insurance has already paid for your routine labs ordered by your physician. Once you fill out your health history form that is immediately emailed to you after your purchase, you will attach your recent labs with it and send it back to me. I will then follow up with a customized wellness pdf for you to follow based on your results and offer a 30 min session to allow you to ask any personal questions you may have and suggest any other tests I recommend ordering in the future.

What’s included:

  • 30 min session

  • 3 month membership to Fertility Lab

  • LWD PDF with customized findings, integrative protocols to follow based on your results, and supplement links

How do I get started?

  • Once payment is complete, you will receive an email with a health history form to fill out and an email from myself. Once I receive the health history form and your recent labs, I will then follow up with your customized wellness pdf, access to the Fertility Lab membership, and schedule you for your 30 minute session.

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