Taking God Seriously
“Living a full and overflowing life does not rest in the bodily health, in circumstances, nor even in seeing God’s work succeed — but in perfect understanding of who God is to you and the same fellowship and oneness with Him that Jesus Himself enjoyed here on earth.” — Oswald Chambers
How do we begin to take God and His plans (that we think He has for us) seriously? This is a question I am getting asked frequently as I have stepped out in faith and journeyed to Italy for two and a half months.
I believe this is a great question and want to dive into this topic further as we begin to discern the voice of God in our everyday lives.
Outside the Verona Arena that is still being used today!
Who God is to you
The key in discerning the voice of God and following through with His wild and crazy plans for your life is understanding who He is to you. Who is God to you personally? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Is He someone you trust, someone you fear, someone you love, and someone you delight in? Before we can begin to hear His voice and how He speaks to us personally, we have to be able to answer this question.
Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation He accepts those who fear Him and do what is right. This is the message of Good News — that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of ALL.” — Acts 10:34-36
This passage shows us how God shows no favoritism but reveals Himself to those who fear Him and desire to do His will. And, with God through Jesus Christ there is peace who is Lord of all. There is no perfection here or reward based on your performance, just a willingness to say “here I am Lord in my mess and in my gifts, have your way with me.”
Before we can become familiar with His voice and instruction over our lives, we need to begin to grasp who He really is and who He desires to be to His children.
“Who is Lord of ALL.” This statement tells us that we must declare Jesus as Lord of all. Lord of our circumstances, Lord of our health, Lord of our relationships, Lord of our decision making, Lord of our finances— Lord of ALL. Meaning all of me and everything I love dearly in this world belongs to Him. Not just the pieces I feel comfortable in giving Him but a willingness to surrender all.
The peace that follows
I was recently asked, “how did you know to take God’s sign for real and to actually jump head first into His plan for you, unaware if you are going in the right direction?”
I think this is a question we all ask ourselves throughout our lifetime as we walk with God. Life is full of unknowns but the peace of God that comes from believing Jesus Christ is who He says He is, will guide you. When He gives us an assignment, I think we should all ask “Is this of You or of my flesh?” If it is of God, He will repeat himself. The idea or opportunity will keep recurring until it is made clear that it is of God.
Have faith, be courageous, and trust
The reality is this my friends, we never truly know, because if we did, then where is our FAITH? God has the biggest plans for our lives. “Plans to prosper us and not harm us. Plans to give us hope and a future.” Sometimes, He gets our attention through the hard places in life that none of us can outrun or avoid. Maybe it’s through rejection, death, or heart break, but these places are what break us allowing us to surrender in a way we could not have before and ultimately make us look more like Jesus. But, ultimately we have to take the first step which is to surrender our agenda for His and to trust in the One who is sending us. And, when it doesn’t make any sense or when we feel stuck, I want to encourage you to have faith, read His word, and trust in Him. Trusting Him with the details and leaving you to follow His voice one day at a time. And, who knows… you too might end up in Italy on an adventure of a lifetime!