Inflammation: What Is It and How Do We Mindfully Monitor It?
Inflammation…is this a real health concern or just a buzz word in the wellness community right now?
Is it just me or are we talking more and more about inflammation but not sure what it means and why it is happening inside our bodies? In this post, I am going to discuss what inflammation is, why it occurs, and how we can continue to monitor and keep it under control by implementing a healthy, balanced diet while adding a few of my sustainable wellness tips and tricks!
What is inflammation?
Before I get carried away with the science and start geeking out on you, I want you to simply think of inflammation as a MESSENGER! What do messengers do? They communicate! This messenger tells your immune system to take action by protecting or correcting itself from injury, infection, or virus. When this occurs, an inflammatory response takes place and symptoms such as: redness, swelling, heat, and pain occur around the problem area. This is also known as “acute” inflammation (meaning it lasts for a short time until the problem is solved).
Our inflammatory response is a good thing and only becomes problematic when the response lasts longer than needed or occurs at a location in the body action is not required, this is known as “chronic” inflammation. In this case, I have typically seen it show up in the form of gastrointestinal bloating, inflammatory acne, swollen or painful joints, skin rashes, and brain fog. Which leads me to my next question…
Why does this occur?
When the inflammatory response is no longer an acute reaction to a recent injury, infection, or illness and moves to a chronic issue, it is typically (but not always) brought on due to repeatedly making unhealthy food choices, lack of sleep, too much caffeine or alcohol, and increased mental and/or physical stress on the body. Chronic inflammation can have long-term, whole body effects and play a role in the development of many diseases if we are not mindful of our overall lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis.
Okay, do not worry… I can help!
Now that we understand what inflammation is and why it occurs, let’s talk about the ways we can take action and find a healthy balance.
Let’s find a balance
Our bodies are perfect machines consistently looking for and trying to maintain a homeostatic balance, but believe it or not, we simply throw off our balance just by being human and living in a world full of unknowns and unpredictable situations. So, what do we do? Holistically speaking, I recommend taking small actionable steps to achieve a greater outcome focusing specifically on lifestyle choices and how we can make them better. Why? Because, your health and wellness is a journey not a destination. By shifting your focus, we are then able to have long, lasting results!
Let’s take action
If you think you suffer from chronic inflammation from one of the listed descriptions above, I want to encourage you by saying, you are not alone. We all struggle and we all fall short but it does not define us, rather let it be our motivator to know more and do better! With that being said, I think education is power and is our first step towards a positive change.
Are you ready to take action? Because, I am ready to empower you by sharing four actionable steps you can start TODAY providing you with more clarity and direction on what to do next!
#1. INFLAMMATION IN THE GUT: If you suffer from gastrointestinal bloating, discomfort, diarrhea and/or constipation, I recommend crowding out processed foods with nutrient dense and fiber rich whole foods. Keeping a low inflammatory diet requires mindfulness and willingness. You have to be mindful of the food choices you are making and willing to make them better!
In a world where we over complicate everything, our nutrition shouldn’t be one of them. Peep over to my Instagram to get recipe ideas of making Each Meal Better Not Complicated or my YouTube channel for my How To Make the Perfect Green Smoothie For Your Happy Gut.
#2. INFLAMMATORY ACNE: If you suffer from inflammatory acne on the face, chest, or back, I recommend reading your PRODUCT label. This accounts for both food and cosmetics. If both consist of a long list of words you cannot pronounce, it is more than likely causing harm to your body with acne potentially being the result of prolong exposure to harmful toxins and chemicals found in cosmetic products and GMO’s, synthetic flavors and/or additives, and refined ingredients found in most processed food products.
Bottom line is this, keep it simple! Make the healthy, mindful swap and switch to #betterbeauty
#3. SWELLING OF THE JOINTS BY INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS: If you suffer from chronic joint pain or swelling caused by inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis), avoiding an inflammatory protein such as gluten may help manage if not eliminate your symptoms. Why do I say “inflammatory” when describing gluten? Because, more and more studies are showing more and more people are either allergic, intolerant, or sensitive to the gluten protein.
What exactly is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in most grain products. It is a binding protein, meaning it gives its products elasticity and texture. According to the Arthritis Foundation, the connection between gluten and arthritis is on the rise.
#4. BRAIN FOG: If you suffer from brain fog or chronic fatigue, it may be due to lack of deep, restful sleep. I recommend eliminating screen time at least 20-30 minutes before bed and engaging in real conversations with family members or roommates, reading an inspirational or encouraging book, or journaling thoughts and/or prayers to help develop a bedtime routine.
Harvard researchers conducted a study experimenting with both the green and blue wavelengths cast from screens and the harmful effects it has on the mind and body at night time. The study revealed blue light suppressed the melatonin production twice as long as green. Researchers have also linked short sleep to increased risk of depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Okay we did it! Do you feel more mindful?
Friends, my hope is you are leaving this space with feelings of encouragement, enlightenment, and empowerment!
If you think you need more direction and specific one-on-one guidance to really target your inflammation and dietary needs, let’s work together! As a holistic nutritionist and certified health coach, I am currently taking new clients at this time, so let’s not waste another minute and have you #livingyourbesteveryday!
My goal is that you simply, yet boldly begin to know yourself more and live well each and every day.
Until next time— XO Liv!