One of the Sweetest Gifts Is the Gift of Sisterhood
Whether she’s biological or your BFF, sisterhood is a gift us women get to CELEBRATE! I have found when women support women, powerful things happen and something good and pure is created in the midst. With it being the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to take this time to not only celebrate women but empower them to celebrate each other!
Meet my sisters in my family!
Women joined together in a group… according to Websters dictionary, the is one of the many definitions of sisterhood. So, in a world where we celebrate self, what does it look like to be “joined” to another for another?
Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home. May the Lord show kindness to you, as you have shown to your dead and to me. May the Lord grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband.” But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will become my people and your God my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.” Ruth 1
This popular story in the Bible sounds pretty radical, but her loyalty and love for her sister-in-law reflects the love God has for his children and the loyalty that was played out for His people through Jesus Christ. This selfless devotion is jut that, it is selfless… joined to another for another.
In my family alone, there are large and dynamic personalities. None of us girls are alike. We see the world differently and as a result we often butt heads. But, we have also learned to not only value our differences but CELEBRATE them! Because, when it is all said and done, we are joined. Why? Because, we are sisters!
What does it mean to be joined together? Personally, I believe when you are joined to another there is a level of authenticity and vulnerability. When we are authentic, we are honest. Not only honest with others, but we are also honest with ourselves. When we are vulnerable, we are connected. Not only connected with others, but we are also connected to ourselves. This my sisters, is when the MAGIC happens and we are able to live as we are called!
So, why is it so difficult to be joined? Honestly, it is because we are not being truthful. We hide our flaws, run from our fears, and carry our doubts on our own shoulders and as a result, we compete and we compare. We never truly break the barrier, because we are the barrier.
This month, I want to empower my fellow sisters to set the masks aside and begin to embrace the beautiful souls that you are and who you are becoming. When you can celebrate you, you can then begin to celebrate others.
The power of SHE
SHE shapes who you become!
SHE holds you when you feel small!
SHE refreshes your spirit!
SHE cheers you on!
If I can leave you with one simple truth it is this: true sisterhood is a source to remind HER that she’s fully known and deeply loved. This month, let’s join together and be HER, not only for her benefit and placement in this world but for your own!
Until next time,
xoxo— Liv