Plant Based: What Does This Mean and Should I Be Doing This Too?


Studies show an increase of interest in plant - based dieting in the Western societies, but does the research match the hype of this trending HOT TOPIC? In this blog, I am unfolding what plant - based actually means, what the research is showing, and my professional opinion. My hope is that you will leave this space armed with information so you can go out into the world more knowledgable than before and able to make personal dietary choices that maximize your health and wellness journey. Okay, let’s get started!

But, can I still eat meat?

This seems to be the big question and the one experts cannot agree on when it comes to defining what plant - based eating actually means. Some say all animal protein must be excluded from the picture. But, doesn’t that mean veganism? Is plant - based eating the same as becoming vegan or vegetarian? Wait… now I’m confused. What’s the difference again?

This seems to be the noise I hear lurking in the media these days, so let’s break this down.

Let’s start with vegetarians…

When one says they are a vegetarian, it means they do not eat any animal protein. This means all fish, dairy products, eggs, poultry, and meat are excluded from the diet of that individual. Many people become vegetarians for health concerns and being a vegetarian can come in different shades. For example, one could be:

  • Lacto-vegetarian: diet excluding meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, as well as foods that contain any of these products. However, includes dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt.

  • Ovo-vegetarian: diet excluding meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products but includes eggs

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian: diet excluding meat, fish, and poultry but allows eggs and dairy products

  • Pescatarian: diet excluding meat, poultry, eggs, and diary but includes fish

So, how is this different than being vegan?

What does it mean to be vegan?

According to, people choose to become vegans based on health concerns, environmental concerns, and/or ethical concerns and make this a lifestyle change to promote a more humane and peaceful world. They do not purchase any animal products whatsoever, so this includes both food products as well as household and personal items like clothing. This change exceeds diet and trickles into their every day life choices.

Back to plant - based

Now that we have a better understanding what it means to be vegetarian and vegan, let’s dive into the hot topic of plant - based eating. Not everyone agrees on the definition of plant - based eating, and personally, I like it that way. I think it is healthy to not create an identity with our diets, but give ourselves space to be flexible and creative in the way we eat.

In my opinion, plant - based eating is not a lifestyle but a mindset. It is an understanding you posses and a choice you consciously make to limit animal protein and increase plants. Less black and white thinking and more self-exploring as you discover how you need to feed your personal body so it can perform at its optimal level.

Personally, I love plant - based eating, because it looks different for everyone. Some may find their body functions best when they eat animal protein once or twice a week, others it might be once or twice a month, and some may find they need some everyday. There is no perfect or “right” way to do this and to me, that is what makes this so fun. Because, the correct way to eat a plant - based diet is to find out what your body needs and honor your decision making process.

Not an absolute

Many diets, if not all, give absolutes and as a result we create this as our identity. “Hi my name is ________ and I am keto!” What happens when we do not live up to our new name? For most, shame creeps in. We run, we hide, we quit, or we over-do it. Why? Because, we have made this our NEW identity and when we do not live up to our identity in who we say we are it leads to a slippery slope of a mental health battle and distorted eating with certain food groups, like CARBS (which are not the enemy).

But, who does God say we are? This morning, I read the first three chapters of Genesis. It amazes me how I can learn something new about the character of God no matter how many times I have read a particular chapter in the Bible. As I was reading, I came across Biblical truth that reminded me of who I am in Christ Jesus and who you are too. In God’s pursuit, He showed both mercy and discipline in the garden of Eden. Knowing the fall was going to take place, knowing sin was going to enter in and yet, loving us the whole way through. He showed mercy when we deserved death and gave discipline as an act of love so we could learn from our mistakes.

When the cool of the evening came and the breeze began to blow, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid. Then the Lord called out to the man, “Where are you?” The man replied, “I hid because I was naked.” God respond, “who told you that you were naked?”

Immediately, you see how shame entered the picture and as a response, they hid. But, isn’t this just like you and I today? When we fall short or don’t measure up to what we said we were going to do or who we were going to be or how we were going to eat today, we hide! It was happening at the beginning of creation and it is happening today.

Liv’s take and what data is showing

As a certified health coach and holistic nutritionist, the last thing I want my clients to do is make their diet their identity and shame their tool. Guilt tripping yourself will not give you the joy you crave and the results you are looking for. As we come to the end of this blog and now have a deeper understanding of what plant - based eating looks like, I want you to take action! Throw the labels out the door and throw on your kitchen apron and begin to explore (lolol this rhymed, but seriously!!!)

My goal for you is that you will get creative in the kitchen, eat what is in season, add more variety in fruits and veggies to your plate, and limit the amount of animal protein you consume. Maybe try to limit animal protein to just the weekends for the next two weeks and record how you feel. My guess is that you will awaken your taste buds, increase your energy levels, and see a significant shift in your overall cognitive function. You have nothing to lose my friend but everything to gain!

Why? I was hoping you would ask. An article in nature was published recently that showed effects on plant - based diets and the sum of health benefits it lead to in how this is a therapeutic strategy for obesity, weight management, eating disorders, energy metabolism, and systemic inflammation.

If I haven’t convinced you, I hope science has!

Until next time friends— Liv

liv well daily